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The Stress-Busting Benefits of Green Tea

January 22nd, 2014 • Posted by Beneficial Bodyworks • Permalink

It's a common complaint of many Americans: stress. From demanding jobs to hectic family lives, stress hits us from every angle. To curb anxiety, take steps to keep stress at bay. Keep a schedule to stay on top of your daily activities, hit the gym, schedule a massage several times a month and be sure to add stress-busting beverages to your diet. One of the most calming drinks you can consume is green tea. Check out this list of healthy facts about green tea.

Healthy ingredients

Green tea has several kinds of antioxidants including theanine and catechins. These two powerful ingredients help transport glucose through your body. With the right amount of glucose circulating, you'll feel less tired, stressed and depressed.

Stress reduction

How powerful is green tea? Good question. Studies show green tea has the power to cut stress by up to 20%. An increasing number of scientific studies are looking into other benefits of green tea. Studies have indicated green tea isn't just great for stress; it may help with heart problems too.


If you're thinking about adding green tea to your diet, you're probably wondering how much tea you should drink. Studies show people who consume about 200mg of green tea get the most benefit, which is about four cups a day. Don't worry if that amount seems high, you'll still get the de-stressing benefits of tea even if you drink one cup.

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